Land/Buildings and Agricultural Land

Offer Deadline:




Lot 1 – Commercial Lease – Over land and buildings used for successful rural visitor attraction

  • A range of modern and traditional commercial and farm buildings.
  • The lease also includes a selection of residential properties.
  • The business and assets of the existing business are also available for sale, by separate negotiation.

Lot 2 – Agricultural Lease – Approximately 100 acres of arable land subject to Modern
Limited Duration Tenancy

  • Approximately 100 acres of arable land on a Modern Limited Duration Tenancy with c. 45
    years remaining.
  • Grade 3.1 Land IACS registered.

Sale Process and Further Information

Offers are invited for Lots 1 and 2.

Further information can be provided to serious interested parties subject to signing a Non-Disclosure Agreement (“NDA”). To obtain an NDA and access to further details in the data room, please contact one of the Hilco representatives below.


William Garrood

Graduate Surveyor

London Office

+44 (0) 7720 160361

Roland Cramp MRICS

Managing Director

London Office

+44 (0) 7710 152668