Hilco July 2021 Charity Exercise Challenge

We would like to wish everyone who took part in our July Charity Exercise Challenge a huge well done! The team smashed their collective target by 9.1% and we have raised £1,000 for The Proud Trust. We will be attempting our final challenge of 2021 in October for another great charity.

The Challenge

Hilco Valuation Services Europe have raised £1,000 for The Proud Trust following a successful completion of our third team exercise challenge in July. The Proud Trust is a life-saving and life enhancing organisation based in the North West that helps LGBT+ young people empower themselves and their communities.

Last month our team of 21 challengers set their own distance goals, giving the team a collective target distance of 1, 750.1 miles (2, 816.4km). We beat our team target (again!) by 9.1% with the team accumulating a final distance covered of 1, 910.3 miles (3, 074.4km), covering an additional 160.2 miles (258km).

With team members taking part across the UK, we had people clocking up the miles in Snowdonia, Loch Lomond & the Trossachs, the Scottish lowlands and Devon as well as our usual stomping grounds.

We’ll be completing our final challenge of 2021 for another great charity in October so look out for more updates!

The Challengers

Alexander Muir           John Boxall               Richard Barlow

Amanda Garcia           Kirsty Hebdon          Roland Cramp

Andy Hancock             Linda Shannon         Sam Hinder

Anne Percival              Meadow Lees           Shirley Phipps

Ian Bacon                     Mike Hodson            Simon Charlesworth

Jason Hall                     Priya Kapur               Simone Probyn

John Boorman             Rebecca Tjonis          Yvette Streete

Some of our lovely team who took part clocking up their miles…

… joined by four-legged friends …


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