Our New Plant & Machinery Appraiser,
Gary Taylor

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Gary Taylor as our new Plant and Machinery Appraiser based in our Edinburgh office.

Before joining Hilco, Gary was in the Insolvency sector for over 16 years. Latterly, he was with FRP Advisory for 9 years, but previously worked for RSM Tenon and KPMG before that.

Get to Know Gary

Biggest Work Accomplishment? 

My biggest personal work accomplishment would probably be me passing my Certificate of Proficiency in Insolvency exam. Although, that wouldn’t have been possible had I not escaped with my life from Bradford years earlier after being sent down to a site days before Christmas to shut the doors and make all the employees redundant. Couldn’t get on that plane back to Aberdeen quick enough!

What is the most unusual case you have been involved in?

Can’t really think of an unusual case off the top of my head to be honest. Lots of unusual directors/clients and incidents, but the cases themselves weren’t overly unusual. You learn to expect the unexpected, I guess. Plenty stories I could tell, but most would probably be unpublishable on the website and social media!

Do you have an unusual fact about yourself outside your role? 

I got a hole-in-one 40 years ago when I was just starting to play golf and I’ve been chasing that rainbow ever since.

Oh, I’ve also had opposition football fans chant a song about me personally at a match between Arbroath FC and Aberdeen FC…and they even mentioned my name in the chant! I could tell you what the chant was, but you wouldn’t be able to publish it anywhere!


Our Hand-Picked Teams for Hands on Understanding

Machinery and Business Assets (MBA) comprise any asset from a mobile phone to an entire car production plant.

What sets Hilco apart from our competitors is that every member of our MBA team has a hands-on understanding of both the valuation and sale of Machinery & Business Assets.

The accumulated experience we have gained from every client engagement, from asset-based lending appraisals for MBA to business restructuring and asset auction sales, is applied directly to all your asset valuation assignments.

See our upcoming MBA sales here.

Contact Gary

Gary Taylor

Plant & Machinery Appraiser

Machinery & Business Assets

Edinburgh Office

+44 (0) 7920 164859


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