Burns Night Supper 2024 – London

We were thrilled to host our first ever Burns Night Supper for our clients and friends. The informal event was a fantastic experience, blending Scottish culture and tradition. Although the event was informal, we were lucky enough to still have a piper and witness the tradition of piping in the Haggis, see video and gallery below!

Our clients and colleagues were all great sports and participated with the poetry; the Tam O’Shanter poem being one of the highlights, with a verse each making for a humorous end to a great evening of entertainment. All poetry reader volunteers for next year are most welcome!

Scott Marriott MRICS

Senior Director

Real Estate

London & Edinburgh Office

+44 (0) 7825 420970



Managing Director

Real Estate

London Office

+44 (0) 7917 616490


Rebecca Tjonis MCIM

Marketing Director


London Office

+44 (0) 7979 298272


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